Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Never-Ending eBay Product Supply

By Joel Holmes

Let's say you're just getting started on eBay. You've opened up your account and now you're looking for something to sell. If you've already followed our advice to sell the stuff around your house you may be wondering what to sell next. Sure, your attic and closets may be clean, and you've gotten rid of the clutter, but now what?

The lifeblood of your eBay business is products. If you have no products to sell, you're not in business. So, how would you like an unlimited supply of products when you're getting started?

If so, the answer is simple - become an eBay Trading Assistant. What is this, you ask? Well in a nutshell, a Trading Assistant is someone who helps other people get their items sold on eBay. So if you have an Aunt Gertrude who wants her old porcelain figurines sold on eBay, she can go to you to get them sold. You take the pictures, you write the titles and descriptions, You do everything to "assist" your Aunt Gertrude to sell.

Now since your Aunt Gertrude is so dear to you, you might do this for free. For other people in your community, you'd likely charge them a commission for your time and energy. Or, you could buy their products and resell them yourself.

It's that simple to have an unlimited supply of products to sell. Everyone has something cluttering up their house that they want to sell. And if you can help them make a quick buck, why wouldn't they pay you a small portion of that? According to eBay, most people have over $1000 of items just lying around that they could sell. Not only will you help them get started, but you'll have product (from one person) for many months to come.

Let's say you do want to be a Trading Assistant. Well, there are two ways to do it. The first way is the "official way." You do this by registering that you want to be a Trading Assistant on eBay. This allows you to be listed in the eBay Trading Assistant directory. However, before you can join the directory, you need to meet a few requirements. You first must have a feedback score of 100, and 98% of your feedback must be positive. Also, you need to have sold at least 10 items in the previous 3 months. Your eBay account must also be in good standing. For more information on the program, you can go to

Let's say you don't meet all of these requirements. Maybe your feedback score is only 10, but don't let that stop you. You can still be a trading assistant "unofficially." eBay isn't going to stop you from telling your friends and family that you can sell their stuff for them on eBay. The only difference in being "official" and "unofficial" is that you get to use the eBay Trading Assistant logo and you get listed in the Trading Assistant directory. Other than that, it's up to you to find the people.

Here are some suggestions how you can promote yourself as a Trading Assistant. One key ingredient is to get the word out. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Ask if they have anything to sell on eBay. The more people that know you are the guy (or gal) to go to for help for selling on eBay, then the more successful you'll be. Another idea is to post flyers around town saying that you'll sell their stuff on eBay. Consider putting a classified ad in the paper as well.

So what's the conclusion? There's really no end of products you can sell when you become a Trading Assistant. You'll be the person everyone turns to when they have a question about eBay.

About the Author:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

10 Top Tips for How to Sell on eBay

By Tyson Bradshaw

A lot of people want to become full time super sellers on eBay. These are my 10 steps to becoming a successful eBay seller online.

Step 1:Know your market. Take a little while to sit and examine what sells and what doesn't out of the items you're interested in. Any important information you can collect will be very vital to you later on. You might see the 'hot niches' quite quickly - those one or two items that always seem to sell for a good price.

Step 2: Watch the competition. Before you spend any money, find out what the other sellers in your category are up to, and what their tips are. Pay attention to any flaws their auctions might have, because this is where you can move in and beat them at their own game.

Step 3: Find a product: Get hold of a supplier for whatever it is you want to sell, and see what the best rates you can get are - don't be afraid to go through several to get the best deal. If the eBay prices you've seen are higher than the supplier's, then you're set.

Step 4: Start small: Don't toss thousands at your idea straight away - get started slowly, see what works and what doesn't, and learn as you go along. Remember that it's very inexpensive to try out even the far out ideas on eBay, and who knows, they might just work!

Step 5: Test and repeat. Keep trying different strategies until you find something that works, and then don't be ashamed to keep doing it, again and again. The chances are that you've just found a profitable niche.

Step 6: Work out a business plan: A business plan doesn't need to be anything formal, just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you've found, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This is more for you than it is for anyone else.

Step 7: Invest and build: This is the time to at the problem. Buy inventory, and start spending more time on your business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.

Step 8: Make it official: Once you've made a few thousand dollars worth of sales, you should really register yourself as a business. Don't fret, it's not expensive or hard to do - a lawyer is the best person to help you through the process.

Step 9: Automate: You'll probably find that you're writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions. This is the time to give up on the manual method and turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.

Step 10: Don't give up: Even when it looks like it's all going wrong, don't stop trying until you succeed. If you keep working at it then you'll almost always find that you make a real breakthrough just when things are starting to look desperate.

Once you get into the swing of things, you might start thinking that you should quit your job and take up eBay selling on a full time basis. But it's not always as easy as that - there are all sorts of factors that you need to consider. Selling on eBay is a great way to make money online, but you have to take the necessary steps to become financially secure before diving in full time.

About the Author:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Use Ebay To Make Money From Home

By Daniel Waser

You require to have an eBay user ID if you do not have one already. Using this online auction service opens up opportunities to make money from home in many ways. Although you must ensure that you understand how to carry out any trading before you start. Your eBay user ID is vital to your business enterprise success on eBay. Your ID should depict your business organization undertakings.

Give a full description of each item. You should take that into account when making your offer. Planning in this direction will make you prosperous in eBay marketing. In deciding what product to offer, look into yourself.

The product with reviews as bonuses will attract buyers to your products. If you are a coins' collector, you can offer old coins at a price. You can offer electronic items on eBay at attractive prices. Look around for unique merchandise, study them thoroughly and then offer them on eBay and you will be successful.

Anything that is legal can be sold. Leave alone the big products and concentrate only on the small ones. Decide which you wish to sell. The cost of shipping large things is high and would be a burden on customers that have to bear the burden of shipping costs.

Once you have decided on the items to be offered on eBay, you will then have to ensure that the products are in sellable condition. Glass should be washed, dried and shined to remove water spots. First, clean up all products or sale. When selling silver, polish them so they will look new. You must expose and describe the damage in details in your advertisement.

Studio photographs look more professional though they cost slightly higher. Maybe this is a start up online business and you want to keep costs down. Never try to cut corners by taking the photos yourself and then try getting an amateur to transfer the photos onto a CD.

Customers do not have time to go into unnecessary garbage reading. Then you will have to write a short but accurate description of the product - it will be good to do this at the beginning to save time. If you can, you can write your own designer ads or you can pay eBay extra to do it for you.

Finally - you need to arrange for a reputable courier service to ensure your product is safely delivered and on time but insurance for damages is also needed.

About the Author:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Find Your eBay Niche

By Jesse Holmes

After you've sold on eBay for a little while, you need to ask yourself what products you want to sell. Since you can buy and sell almost anything on eBay, there are thousands of options to choose from.

I was getting started on eBay just a little while ago, and I didn't know what to sell. How did I choose what types of products to sell? Let me explain. I'm a gadget geek. I usually know what's going to come out before it's released. I keep tabs on Apple and know when they are going to update their iPhones. This isn't work for me because I like to do this.

It wasn't hard to go from my gadget hobby to selling gadgets on eBay. I sold my PlayStation 2. I sold a Gameboy and some computer games. It was easy because I knew electronics was my forte. After I ran out of things to sell around the house, I found an electronics wholesaler. They had webcams and computer accessories, and we still sell those to this day.

How does this story help you? Ask yourself... what do you like? Selling what you like will make your research and product buying a whole lot easier. Remember that whatever product category you choose to sell in, you'll be spending a lot of time working and figuring out what to sell. If you sell the types of products that you're already interested in, then the "work" of talking to suppliers and researching will be easier. (An added bonus is that if you sell what you like, you can always have one for yourself.))

Now, if you're just getting started on eBay, you need to realize that nothing is fixed in stone. If you have no idea what you like or what you could sell on eBay, the main thing to do is get started. Choose a category that you think you can develop. You can always change later if you don't know for sure. The main goal is to get moving forward.

Think about an airplane. Often planes take off from runways in the opposite direction of where they want to go. Once the plane is up in the air, then the pilot can make adjustments. The same thing applies for you when starting an online business. Getting your little plane off the ground by selling whatever you can is the first step. Next, once you've mastered the take off and basic skills of flying, you can choose which direction you want to go.

Again, the most important thing to do when you begin to sell on eBay is to build momentum. Don't travel in too many directions at once, because you'll never get anywhere if you do. Sell stuff around your house. Once you've run out of stuff to sell around the house, then you can pick a direction. Don't stress about it. Start by picking products based on your interests.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Get Connected For eBay Success

By Jesse Holmes

So you've decided to start an eBay business. That's great! And as I've said many times before, I believe that eBay is the fastest and easiest way to start selling online. No other website has the $60 billion in sales that occurred in 2008.

However, what many beginners forget is that in order to be successful online, you can't be a lone ranger. Sure you can run a successful eBay business from your home, but if you're in business, you'll have to connect with other businesses. To get the maximum profits, it's likely that you'll have to deal with other big businesses that aren't home based.

The best way to get what you want in life is to help other people get what they want. From the moment you start your business, you need to remember that you are only in business as long as you're helping your customers. What's the quickest way to see if you're helping enough people? Check how much money you have in your bank account. If your bank balance is low, then you're not helping many people. If you want to grow your bank balance, you need to help more people.

So what's the best way to help and connect with people? Get out there. Talk to local store owners. Go to business luncheons in your community. Carry your business cards around with you everywhere. Let everyone know that you sell on eBay, not just friends and family.

The more people you connect with in your community, the more opportunities you'll have to help them (and for them to help you too!). Start to think about who you could help. Are there small businesses that need to sell their excess inventory? Are there businesses that want to start selling online? What about individuals who want to clear out their attic or sell some antiques? When you start connecting with other people, you'll see opportunities all around you.

Bottom line: The more connections you have, the more successful you'll become.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Making More Money On eBay Than Everyone Else

By Jesse Holmes

Where do I get profitable products? That's the big question when selling on eBay, and it might seem like the hardest question to answer. Maybe you've been frustrated when you have found products from a 'drop shipper' and found that the items sell on eBay for less than the 'wholesale price' that you could buy them for.

It's not the best business model to sell stuff for less than you pay for it, unless you absolutely positively know that you are going to be able to get more business from that customer to offset your losses. But that's pretty advanced stuff if you're just getting started selling on eBay, and in no way should you tell everyone that I gave you a reason to sell items for less than you pay for them.

Also, I don't want you to get stuck in the 'dropshipping' trap. I've wasted hours and hours literally going through every single product in a dropshipping company's catalog only to find out that none of them are profitable to sell on eBay.

To make serious money on eBay you need to analyze what the big guys are doing and see how they are profitably moving inventory. eBay is different then a lot of places due to the nature of the site. People are going there to find a great deal, but there's much more to it than that.

If you hopped on to eBay right now looking for a specific item, you would obviously research and try and find out where to get the best price. However, it gets to a point where you don't want to necessarily pay the lowest price because as the saying goes 'you get what you pay for'.

Some people think that if they are the cheapest price on eBay, that will guarantee them maximum sales. While that might be true in the short-term, chances are that their profit margins will be so small that they won't be in business for long. Remember that you're in business to provide an experience for your customer. This includes a great product at a good price. Also, it means that you make a reasonable profit.

So how do you avoid going out of business in a price-competitive marketplace? How do you compete?

There are a few different ways. One of them is to make sure that your listing stands out from the crowd on more things than just price. Draw your customer's eyes away from the price tag by taking amazing pictures. Make sure that you have the most relevant keywords in your listing title to maximize your listing traffic. However you can, get people to click on your listing. Once you do that, you'll have a better chance of selling to that customer.

Once your customer makes the jump to your listing, they're going to decide whether they can trust you. Your feedback rating factors in here, but in addition to that is also the professionalism of your listing. You need to show that you're a quality seller that will provide the best customer experience.

How do you show that you are a professional seller? Make sure your listing looks good (with a professional template), have clearly defined policies, clear pictures, and a good description that you've taken the time to create. Don't just copy and paste it from somewhere else.

Think of the times you've gone looking for an item and wondering if the seller was legitimate and if you could trust them with your money. You don't want other buyers doing the same thing once they land on your listing or eBay store. Some people are just skeptics and you can't change their mind, but many people are savvy buyers who want to do business with someone they can trust.

The first-impression carries the most weight. If you can set yourself apart from the crowd from the first time that people see you, then you'll have a competitive edge to selling on eBay.

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Why Would You Want To Sell On eBay?

By Jesse Holmes

Let's say you could have an entire business in a box. What if someone gave you every tool you needed, all the software, the website, the merchant account, and most importantly, millions of customers ready to buy what you sell. Would you be interested? How much would you pay for that "instant" business. Hundreds or maybe even thousands of dollars?

The fact is that everything I just said that seem so unrealistic is a reality right now on one website. That website is eBay. eBay is the fastest and easiest way to have a web presence today. You can start making money online before the week is up. You can have a complete business structure and start selling products online in under 30 minutes.

Still not convinced? Let me show you how big eBay really is. In 2008 alone, over $60 billion dollars was sold on eBay. $2000 sells every second. Plus there are over 90 million active members. That's why eBay is called the world's largest marketplace. Do you think that maybe there are some customers that would want what you sell?

But how can you be a successful seller on eBay? Of the thousands of people that have taken advantage of eBay... only a few have great success. You can hear the stories of internet or eBay millionaires, but it's only a small percentage of the millions who have tried.

Why is that? The main reason is because the average person goes on eBay and instantly thinks that eBay will make them right overnight. Sorry to tell you, but that's not how business works. Building a business is a process that requires learning certain skills. You need to know how to provide a great product or service for your customer. The sellers who are making it big online are those who are focused on the customer first.

Even though many people give up, don't let that discourage you. Some of the most successful people on eBay right now have started where you are. Most successful people aren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Instead, they've learned the skills to be successful. You can too. Everyone starts as a beginner and trains to be a success.

One of the great advantages to selling on eBay is that there is so little risk to get started. You don't have to hire a dozen employees and rent a warehouse. You don't have to raise thousands of dollars in capital.

Other than a computer, an internet connection and a digital camera, there isn't much needed to get started selling on eBay. Of course with time you will need to develop a line of inventory to sell, but if you learn the right way, you can easily cover your inventory costs and keep cash flow moving through your eBay business.

Business truly is changing today. The barriers to enter a market are quickly diminishing, and you can start being your own boss quicker than ever before. You're going to see a huge influx in people wanting to make money online soon, and you don't want to get left behind.

With everything literally at your fingertips, there's no excuse. Why don't you start your own eBay business today? Get away from the skeptics (who never make any money online anyways) and start learning from those who are already successful.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fast Track Your eBay Business

By Jesse Holmes

When we were first learning how to sell on eBay, there's one thing more than any other that contributed to our success.

It was in our first year of "business" - meaning that we spent tons of time and money trying to learn how to start our eBay business, but still never had one.

(Isn't it funny how determined you can be to get started at something, and how you can learn everything about a subject... but it doesn't matter until you actually get started with it?)

We were learning from some top experts everything we could ever want about starting an eBay business, but we never took action to get started. We kept procrastinating and learning more and more without actually doing what was taught.

That's such a big barrier today with many people looking to get started making money online. Learning about the topic and hearing other people's success stories gives you the feeling that you're actually moving forward and making progress towards your ultimate goal, even though you haven't put in the work necessary to achieve that goal.

So here's the turning point where we went from absolutely nothing to a profitable $3,000 a month eBay business in less than 60 days.

What was it? A simple contest. Our teachers said that whoever was the first person who could sell $1,000 in one month would win a cash prize.

Please don't think that entering a contest automatically guarantees your success. It's much more than that. Even for us, it wasn't just about winning the prize or what we would do with the prize money. At the fundamental level, it was a goal with a tangible outcome. It was a goal we really believed in and we were determined to hit.

So we pushed for the contest. We pulled all the strings we could to start selling. We did more things that month than the previous six months combined. Long story short, we didn't even win the contest, but it set us up for something bigger than we could imagine.

We accomplished so much more than we thought possible. We were only a few dollars away from $1,000 in that first month. The next month, we sold $3,000 worth of products. In addition to that, we were turning a profit. To build a money-making system that went from $0 to $3,000 a month only took us 60 days.

So what does this mean for someone just getting started and learning how to sell?

If you've been struggling getting an eBay business going and have been researching and learning, the first thing you need to do is commit. It's amazing what you can achieve when you believe with absolute certainty that starting an eBay business will change your life and provide you with a passive income in spite of the present economy.

It's not going to happen in an instant. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. You need to find the proper step by step training by someone who has been there and laid the groundwork for you, and you need to follow them to the letter.

Success leaves footprints. If you do the same steps as someone who is already making money on online you will get the same results.

About the Author:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is Making Money On eBay Dead? eBay Bans Digital Products

By Jason James

Since eBay banned the sale of digital products in their auctions, many marketers have abandoned eBay as a source of income. Changes of terms and conditions, and ever increasing fee charges, have had a similar effect too. However, those willing to stick with eBay are finding that it is still quite possible to make money on eBay.

Smart sellers found that while the direct sale of digital products was no longer possible, there is a way to work around it. To get around this problem, they simply transfer one or more digital products on to a CD and DVD and mail it to customers. In addition to having gotten around the ban on digital products, sellers were able to capitalize on the fact that physical products have a greater perceived value than digital products.

Taking this approach need not be a lot of hassle either, as you can use a fulfillment company to package, label and ship every CD and DVD that you sell. These companies will basically package your CD or DVD up with a cover that you provide, and they'll ship it out to your customers for a flat fee. For each disc that you sell, you could easily make a few dollars in profit.

If you want to get creative, you could add bonuses or upsells onto the disc that your customers are getting. Adding unannounced bonuses will create value and make your customer happy. You could try sending them to a website where they could buy additional products from you. Better yet, you could send them to a squeeze page where, upon completing an opt-in form, they would enter your email list.

Another way of making money on eBay is to enter the dropshipping business. It works like affiliate marketing in that rather than selling products that you physically stock, you instead sell products that belong to someone else. It can be tricky to find a reliable dropshipping company, but once you do, the selling process is easy. You simply list one of the dropshipper's products on eBay and, when it sells, submit an order to the dropshipper for that product, providing them with the customers details as you do so.

You can virtually sell anything through a dropshipping company on eBay. From the latest high end gadgets, to fitness equipment, to cell phone accessories, you will be sure to find a number of products that the market is desperate to buy. Since you are paid a cut of each sale, selling larger items would give you a larger profit margin. However, smaller items are more in demand, so you will probably sell more of them.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

5 Easy Steps for Creating an eBay Business

By Gus Dean

You can generate a solid and steady income stream on this multi-million dollar online auction site through the buying and selling of products. If you are thinking about creating a new eBay business, you will want to start with the following 5 steps:

Step #1 is to register yourself as a new user on eBay. After you register, you can then watch the multiple tutorials that this site offers. There is also alot of tips and advice offered by current eBay business owners. And, there are help pages available for you to reference so that you can be guided through the site.

Step # 2 - Begin to familiarize yourself with the buying and selling processes by searching for various items listed. For example, if you are focusing on selling vintage stamps, you will want to get a feel for the items currently sold within this category, the listed prices for various items and the types of listings shown. Each of these bits of research will help you to formulate your plan of attack on the site.

Step #3 - Decide what you are going to sell using your own marketing concepts along with your passion or expertise in a given area. For example, if you are not an avid book lover, focusing your business in this niche is not advised. What sells best on eBay? Well, if we knew the answer to that question, we would all be millionaires. Most of the powersellers offer a variety of products across several niches. The success that you will achieve is largely dependent upon the competitiveness of the niche you have chosen, how you have priced your products to sell and your required profit margin (taking into account your acquisition expenses and your selling expenses). You may have to work through several niches and the trial and error process before figuring out the overall plan that works best for you.

Step # 4 is the use of listing tools. You can download free software from eBay that will help you manage the listing on your products. Turbo listor is one of the most popular on eBay but there are many others that you can research. Basically these programs will allow you to create templates that you can use to list, sell and ship your products.

Step #5 - Begin to list and experiment with given pricing strategies to see what works for your given product niche. When you list products, be sure to include your preferred payment terms (Paypal, check, money orders, etc.), shipping and handling charges, estimated shipping time, your return policy, your contact information and as your business grows, you may want to include answers to frequently asked questions to make it easier for browsers to shop within your eBay store or within your listed eBay products. And most importantly, include multiple pictures of your products from all relevant angles to show the bidders exactly what they will be receiving.

Once you have completed these 5 basic steps, you can begin to expand your eBay business strategy. Be patient- as with any new business, working through a new eBay business will require time.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

eBay Seller Tips: Save Money On Photo Listing Fees

By Todd Manter

There are a many eBay buyers who will not buy an item on eBay if they haven't seen a picture. In fact, many eBay buyers like to see more than one picture. The only problem with this is that posting a number of pictures on eBay can get expensive, especially overtime. However, there is a way that you can give your potential customers what they want, more pictures, without having to go broke while doing so. For more eBay selling advice go to this Ebay Selling Tips Website.

If you are looking for a way to have multiple pictures appear in your eBay auction listings, but you are urged to examine websites that are known as photo sharing sites, if you haven't already done so. There are a large number of internet users who use photo sharing sites to upload and share pictures with friends and family members over the internet, but many internet users are also starting to use photo sharing websites to help combat their eBay seller fees, particularly the fees associated with having multiple pictures in an eBay auction.

If you are interested in giving photo sharing websites a try, to help you save money when selling on eBay, you will need to find a photo sharing website to use. To find a number of photo sharing websites, you may want to perform a standard internet search. Your standard internet search results will likely include PhotoBucket, which is a free, well-known photo sharing website. Of course, you can use just about any photo sharing website you want, but you are advised to look into PhotoBucket, as it is free and easy to use.

Speaking of using PhotoBucket and many other online photo sharing websites, you will need to create an account. You should be required to fill out a small form, which may request a little bit of information about yourself, like your full name or your email address. Once you have that finished, you should be able to use the photo sharing website in question, whether it be PhotoBucket or not, to help you start saving money.

When using a photo sharing site, you will see that different sites have different instructions that need to be followed, but the first step will be taking pictures of your eBay items. Then you will need to upload them to your computer and then follow the photo sharing website's instructions on how to upload your photos to their site. In most cases, this is a relatively simple process, which tends to involve selecting a few pictures from your computer's hard drive and then hitting an upload button.

Once your pictures have been uploaded, you should see thumbnails or smaller versions of them. With PhotoBucket there are little boxes underneath each thumbnail that can be used to select the picture or pictures of you choice. You will want to select all of the pictures that you want listed in a particular eBay listing. Then, you should be able to find a link that allows you to generate an HTML code. This will lead you to another page with a lot of information on it, particularly HTML links. Many photo sharing websites outright tell you which HTML code links you should use for eBay. Copy the code and paste it in the description of your eBay auction listings and you are good to go; your pictures should appear.

Using a photo sharing site is optional, but it is definitely something to look into. As an eBay seller, you want to profit as much as you can and this also involves eliminating unnecessary expenses.

About the Author:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Top Sellers On Ebay - Improvements I Can Make To My Business To Become One

By Noelline D Lowery

The elements of a successful eBay business is not that different from any business - excellent customer service, strong marketing and advertising strategies, and good financial management. To achieve all these and become top eBay sellers, follow the tips below:

Build a good Feedback Rating : Do this all ways first, as a buyer then as a seller. It is usually recommended that you make many purchases yourself before you start selling on the internet. Build a great buyer's feedback rating by sending payment quickly. As fast as you have made a good buyer's reputation, you can now become a seller.

For top eBay sellers, ensuring 100% customer satisfaction is their daily target. You can achieve this in many ways but some basic tips include answering questions about the product completely and patiently, communicating with the buyer clearly about payment and shipping, and offering a quick and convenient payment option such as PayPal.

Draw consumers with high quality footage : Image is everything when it comes to selling and particularly so when you're selling a product on the internet. Remember, the photograph you use will be the point of reference of possible customers so it is extraordinarily crucial that you take superb photographs. It doesn't mean though that top eBay sellers are pro photographers. Definitely , you don't need to be one. Just confirm your camera has decent resolution to supply clear photographs.

Do not use a flash when you take pictures because it throws unflattering light on your items. Shoot in an open area instead. Use a tripod to avoid blurry photos. Resize your photos and make sure they do not exceed 300 pixels so they will load quickly. Lastly, remember to use an accurate image of your item to avoid customer complaints and negative feedback that will ruin your credibility.

Work on Your Text : Aside from using fine quality pictures, top eBay sellers know the significance of the reports and item outlines. Be creative with the strap line to draw in the notice of buyers but make efforts to use searchable keywords, which essentially means you must include in your strap line the words that buyers use when hunting for the item that you're selling. Additionally, don't forget your adjectives. Use detailed words like amazing, pleasant, and unique but ensure they suit your items.

The item description is where your potential buyer should find out why they should buy your product so make sure to write about its features and benefits. Again, accuracy and honesty is very important. Do not make false claims because this will only ruin your business.

Understand the expenses of your business : Top eBay sellers remember all of the expenses associated with their lists, which would include the listing fee, selling fee, payment processing charges, and delivery charges. Tracking expenses is very important to any business and to make the task simpler, you can invest in accounting software to help stay in top of your business finances.

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Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Ebay

By R .Chandra

EBay has opened up a whole new world in terms of monetary gain and the elimination of household clutter. Time was that if you found that your house was simply getting too crowded, the day when the attic door just refused to open over your head or the garage was just too stuffed to fit your vehicle, you had no choice but to make a trip to the dump or await the summer garage sale season in order to get rid of some of the clutter.

All you need is an Internet connection and your junk could turn into someone else's treasure.Now you can eliminate the clutter around your house without the waste involved in a trip to the dump or the iffy prospects of selling at a garage sale.

At eBay, three million auctions close every single day, in every area conceivable.You might find it hard to believe, but the auction environment is such that that pile of old National Geographic magazines that you have might fetch close to their original value or even higher on the site. There are so many opportunities that some people have made a business out of becoming eBay Power Selling professionals, with some stores netting $1,000 a day.If the customer base is big enough, a seller will always be able to sell any item, no matter how obscure.

In your marketing and in avoiding common eBay pitfalls,you have to use the right approach. One great way to ensure sales is to purchase or borrow a digital camera to take pictures of your goods- items that have accompanying pictures are much more likely to sell, and at a higher price, than are ones that are placed without a visual aid. Buyers can see what the product is like, including the condition it is in, and thus the chance they are taking is much lower.

On the issue of non payment if a buyer who just refuses to pay, a simple task can become an arduous exercise in collections, and might even end up costing you money. In order to avoid a non-payment scenario, it is crucial to set up a payment option before you ship the goods. If the buyer refuses to pay you, all you have to do is relist the item and start another auction.

Pay Pal is a great way to receive money from the sale of goods immediately, and also incorporates a dispute resolution system in the event that the buyer or seller is unhappy with the outcome of the sale.This may avoid other eBay pitfalls like Bad checks, credit card fraud, international fraud, and credit card charge backs and so on.

About the Author:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Becoming An eBay Power Seller

By R .Chandra

The power seller are people who have recognized the money making potential of eBay and brought it to a whole new level.But there are others who think of eBay as a place where they can change some of their old junk into cash, gaining some money from what otherwise might have ended up taking a trip to the dump.

Power sellers on eBay have various methods of going about turning a tidy profit. They may employ age old methods such as beachcombing in order to gain a large stockpile of inventory that they can then turn around and sell at the world's largest auction at a handsome profit. Power sellers may also offer to sell other people's goods on the eBay market place for a percentage of the profit or an up front fee. Regardless of their method, power sellers often find themselves making quite a bit of money simply by using the potential of the site to its fullest.

The professionals have learned the ins and outs of the eBay system, and most understand the best ways to sell products for top dollar.There are over 700,000 individuals who make this their full time job, with another million supplementing their income through more casual eBay sales. These

The fact that the professionals have been in the market for so long should not discourage any new entrepreneur from taking the same steps themselves. The fact is, eBay is so huge, with over 1.4 billion items listed in 2005 and three million auctions closing every day, that it could stand a lot more competition before the professional selling business became cut throat.

Many books have been written already about successfully and strategically creating auctions, including where to list certain items, what is hot, what is not, and how to go about finding buyers.These resources can assist a prospective eBay power seller in starting up their new venture.

As with any business, one of the keys to eBay is to keep your clients happy. EBay operates through feedback, and this feedback is essential both for buyers and sellers in order to retain and evaluate the legitimacy of the business or the offer. Unlike other bid sites, however, eBay also offers a regulated feedback system, in order that professionals do not take a hit to their bottom line because some disgruntled buyer ended up being unhappy with the final price they paid, or they felt that the seller was too pushy when it came to asking for payment.

EBay brings clients from around the world to your product, and it is just a matter of getting the word to them that you have something that they will need.For eBay power seller its a fun way to make some extra cash or even to earn a good full time income, without having to go out and invest in advertisements or finding a clientele.

About the Author:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jewelry Wholesale And eBay Auctions

By Jacques Lemierre

Ebay auctions and wholesale jewelry are a winning team. Ebay is a a fantastic place to find almost any item that
you can imagine. Jewelry wholesale auctions are quite common on eBay, and in many cases, you
cannot beat the prices that are offered here.
Prepare yourself beforehand to avoid being scammed.

Start by reviewing all of the details about the
jewelry wholesale auctions that you are interested in buying. If
you still have questions, send those questions to
the seller through eBay's site. Make sure that
you keep all of your contact information with the seller through
the site so that there is proof.

Check out the person or company that is offering
the jewelry wholesale. Look at their ratings and their
feedback. Has there been any negative feedback?
If so, you may want to reconsider your options and
look into other auctions. If the feedback is all
positive, and the seller's rating is high, doing
business with them should not be a problem.

Make sure that you are clear about shipment costs
and the shipment time frame, as well as the
payment options offered. Usually, the buyer is
responsible for the shipment costs, and this is
added to the total and paid before the item ships.
In the case of high ticket items, insurance may
be required on the item as well. The seller seldom
pays the shipping costs.

If the jewelry wholesale is a very high priced item, such
as jewelry that is bought in bulk or rare pieces of
expensive jewelry, you should strongly consider
using the escrow service that is recommended by

Beware of sniper's on eBay! Sniping is against the
rules at eBay, but a large group of people do it
anyway. Sniping is automatic bidding, which is not
against the rules, but the software or service is
instructed to place the highest bid in the last
possible minute of the auction - leaving no time for
anyone else to place a higher bid. Again, this is
against eBay's rules.

Instead of sniping, place your first bid at the
maximum amount that you are willing to pay for
the jewelry wholesale lot. Each time the bid is
raised, your bid will automatically be raised until
your limit is reached. This is not sniping, and it is
a perfectly legal way to bid on auctions at eBay.

About the Author:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Selling at Ebay


I'm directing this article to those who are just starting their eBay Selling Venture. Whether you're selling books, DVDs, CDs, collectibles or clothing, all things (with the exception of eBooks and services) need to be mailed. And it's the postage, handling fees and mailing that seems to cause a great deal of angst among new sellers.

Its a very good advice, indeed, as nothing turns off potential buyers like sellers who gouge you on the shipping costs. You've heard the advice - don't overcharge for shipping

You might think I'm being cheap, but, if you added up all your eBay expenses for the year (as some did for their recent taxes) you might be shocked to see how all the packing materials and gas for your car added up and took a little chunk out of your eBay profits. And, believe me, they do add up.

Some people are even more surprised to find they underestimated the weight of their packages, causing their profits to shrink even further.

You and your buyers should be equal

1.Scale is a must.You will save alot.Eyeballing the weight of the package, you can often times guess too low, and be in for quite a shock when you go to the post office and see the package is going to cost twice what you thought to ship.

2.Knowing the weight alone isn't enough. Know the dimensions of your packaging before listing. Some packages cost more to ship because of their dimensions.

3.Some prefer speedy delivery with Express mailing, while some prefer to save money with parcel post even though the wait is longer. It's always a good idea when using parcel post or other slower ground shipping to alert the buyer by email that it can take anywhere from 8 to 10 days.

4.Most stores are more than happy to let you rummage through their old boxes and take some home with you. But, do remember to choose boxes that are presentable, secure and strong enough for your items. And, if you have breakables, don't skimp on the bubble wrap,this will save you money.

5.Be sure to be upfront with your buyers that you have a small handling fee so they can't complain about it later. Add on an additional $1 or $2 to the shipping fees for their handling fees (depending on the cost of the item and how much packaging you have to use). A small handling fee that will cover your expenses.

Being fair to both yourself and your buyer will keep you both happy, and keep more of your profit in your pocket.

About the Author:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Selling On Ebay - Improving The Odds That Your Items Sell On Ebay

By Kimberly Aita

Are you selling on ebay? Many people who are looking for ways to make money online are discovering how to sell on ebay since it is fairly simple to get started and it can be an easy way to begin your own home based business.

There are numerous people who sell things on ebay because they are looking for a way to support themselves or their family. If you are currently selling on ebay, how is it working out for you? Are you making the money that you would like to make.

If you answer is no, you might want to keep reading as I am going to show you some tips on how to improve the likelihood that your items will sell on ebay.

A lot of ebay buyers are very watchful of ebay scams so one of the first things that most ebay buyers will do is to check to see what the seller's feedback looks like. Anybody who has bought from ebay more than a few times, realizes the importance of buying from a seller who has a high rating and a good reputation.

These buyers are knowledgeable that a seller with a high rating practically eliminates the odds of getting scammed. Having a good feedback score will also help you to attain a good reputation but by having an about me page, you can also raise your reputation as a seller on ebay. While having an about me page is your choice, the benefits of having one are many.

An about me page is simply that, a page where you can present yourself and give buyers some background information on your ebay business or about you individually and maybe the reason that you started selling on ebay.

Once an ebay buyer has checked out the seller and believes they can trust them, they will begin to look more at the product or products of the seller.

Clearly, this is going to be where you will have the best odds of making the sale. You will need to make certain that your prices are reasonable and still competitive. While you will want to be making some profit from the sale, you also want to make certain that you don't run potential buyers off by asking for too high of a price.

Another thing you will want to do is to make sure that you have an accurate description for the items you are selling on ebay. Listing each item separately and with a good description will increase your chances of making the sale. You need to make sure your buyers know the condition that the item is in so they know exactly what to expect. You should also state whether additional materials such as batteries etc., will be required for the item.

When you supply an accurate and detailed description of your item, you are sure to add to the likelihood of selling your item.

An additional critical part of your listing should be accurate photos of your item. While it may cost more to show extra pictures, buyers like to see exactly what they are getting so it would be worth the additional costs if you really want your item to sell on ebay. If you are interested in learning how to get additional pictures posted for free, you can see my article about photo sharing or using photobucket.

Make sure that you take close up pictures of your items and that you are using good lighting because if your pictures are not of good quality, you may as well not even have pictures. Low quality pictures have kept many ebay sellers from being able to sell their items. In other words, use high quality pictures in your listings.

While it is up to you to determine what forms of payment you are willing to accept, the majority of ebay sellers now use paypal as the most common form of payment. Most buyers are comfortable using paypal as well, so if you do not currently accept paypal for payment, you should certainly consider looking into paypal.

Even though almost all ebay buyers will be able to use paypal, there are still going to be a few who will not and for this reason you may perhaps want to be able to accept other forms of payment also. Just be certain that you have received all payments and that they have cleared before you ship your items to the buyer.

When you keep these tips in mind while selling on ebay, you should start to see your sales begin to increase. Think like a buyer when listing your items and ask yourself, would you purchase this item?

About the Author:

Selling On Ebay - Why Accepting PayPal As A Payment Method Is Something You Need To Consider

By Kimberly Aita

Are you selling on ebay? Whether you buy or sell on ebay, you may want to consider some of these tips for learning ebay secrets.

Are you eager to find out how to make money online with the prospect that you will be able to make enough money to support yourself or your family. For the past few years ebay has been a marketplace where almost everyone can understand how to make money and this includes you.

Although it can be fairly easy to make money selling on ebay, there are still some important issues to take into account. Having quality items and providing detailed descriptions of those items is one of the crucial points for making money on ebay. You will additionally want to provide high quality, easy to see pictures of the items you hope to sell on ebay.

These may be among the most important factors if you need to become successful as an ebay seller, but another important factor is choosing the method of payment you are willing to accept. If you want to increase your chances of success selling on ebay, you will want to be able to accept several forms of payment, including credit cards, checks, money orders and most especially paypal.

The reason you need to consider accepting paypal payments is that it is now among the most common payment methods used on ebay. While many buyers and sellers prefer to use paypal, there are still several ebay sellers who nevertheless do not use paypal.

When you make a decision to set up a seller account on ebay, you should also set up your paypal account so that you can begin using it almost immediately. Using paypal is easy to set up and get started with and there are nearly zero risks when it comes to using paypal, not to mention your payment will be quickly accessible in your account.

Okay, you can still make money selling on ebay even if you choose not to accept paypal but the odds of being successful as a seller are greatly increased when you do use paypal. This is a very good basis why you should at least think about paypal as your preferred payment method.

Setting up a paypal account is simple and you can choose to have a business or a personal account. Having a business account will allow you to accept credit card and e-check payments into your account which will make it easier for your customers who do not wish to use paypal to be able to still make their payment into your paypal account.

The principal difference in personal and business accounts with paypal will be in the fees. You will be charged a small percentage when your buyers send you a payment through paypal, whether they decide to pay by check, credit card, or their own paypal account.

Although the PayPal fees may possibly be a turnoff for you, they don't have to be. By accepting PayPal, you are most likely to have additional sales, as well as upper level or higher priced product sales, as more eBay buyers rely on PayPal to shop online. This will essentially make the fees seem minimal, as they easily pay for themselves overtime and you are still able to make a profit. In fact, your PayPal fees, from a business standpoint, can even be tax deductible.

One of the many reasons why eBay buyers like to use PayPal is simply that it gives them a sense of confidence. When using PayPal to buy product on eBay, customers do not have to in fact provide you with their bank account information or their credit or debit card numbers. This information is routinely stored in PayPal's secure system. eBay customers just have to follow the directions on the invoice that you send them, enter in their PayPal sign in information, click a few verification buttons and they are ready to go; no vital information needs to exchange hands.

If you are selling on ebay and aren't already accepting PayPal, you will want to think about the many benefits to doing so, some of which were outlined above. For more information on PayPal, you are urged to visit PayPal's online website, which can be found at

About the Author:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

eBay Sellers Tips For How To Use Completed Searches To Your Benefit

By Kimberly Aita

Selling stuff on ebay? Are you feeling like you are doing well? Simply put, are you making any money on ebay? If your answer is no there are one or two things you can do to help you better your likelihood of selling your items.

Ebay buying selling can help you start making money from home so here are some tips to get you going and help you learn more about how to sell on ebay.

Is your first compulsion to modify your items that are listed on ebay so that you may improve your chances of making a sale? It might be that you are attempting to sell something that just isn't going to sell on ebay.

You will have a better idea of whether or not your item will sell if you do a search on ebay to see if similar items have been sold before. This can help you to know if you will only lose money by listing the item. For example: if you want to sell a used piece of clothing such as an evening gown or prom dress that you may love, you can type in a search for a comparable item ie:prom dresses,evening gowns etc., and then you can see if any have already sold on ebay and what they were sold for.

Understanding what will sell on ebay is your best likelihood for making a profit. Therefore, before even listing an item you have to make sure it has a chance to sell. Understanding what has sold before and at what price, gives you an idea of what you can expect from your listing. This is not to say that if you can not find a like item on ebay that your item will not sell but just too give an idea of what may not.

When you find something comparable to your item, you will have an idea of what you can expect it to sell for on ebay and whether or not you feel it is worth your time and the money it costs to list the item..

The decision you make will be yours but it will make a big difference in the end if you are aware of whether or not you can sell this type of item.

Getting information on what has sold in the past can improve your probability of selling of what will sell now and will give you an idea of what you might want to have as your lowest asking price.

If you wish to see what has been sold before, just perform an ad advanced search. This can be seen by clicking on the ebay advanced search box and then just check the completed listings only box.

After you see what has been sold and for what price, you will be familiar with what the odds are that your item will sell and at what cost. A green price will be what an item already sold for but if it is still listed in red the item was not sold.

After you have an idea of what is selling on ebay, you may perhaps want to begin to use the advanced search as a way to find bargains for yourself that you can buy at a low price and turn around and relist it on your own ebay page where you can earn a profit. You can also shop at garage sales, flea markets or resale shops to find stuff you can sell on ebay.

By taking the time to learn how to use the completed listings, you can begin to understand how to make money on ebay. When you know how to use the completed listings search, it will only take a few minutes of your time to find items that are selling well.

To find out more about how to sell on ebay visit my site and be sure to join our newsletter listed at the top on the left to learn more about how you can make money from home.

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Selling On Ebay - How Important Is Price

By Kimberly Aita

When it comes to selling on ebay, it seems that a lot of new sellers are not aware of how important the price of an item is when they are building a new listing for auction. Some might not even realize that they have to decide on a price for the items they hope to sell on ebay.

Still, the truth is that an ebay auction is not the same as the kind of auction you may perhaps go to offline. There is truly quite a bit of attention and work when it comes to deciding on what prices to set for your listings.

Basically, you have to choose between the buy it now or the starting bid price you want for your items. You may also choose to have a reserve price and what that means is that if your item doesn't sell for the lowest amount you are willing to accept, you are not obligated to sell the item.

The only price that is actually required will be the starting bid if you choose to list your item as a regular auction listing. The buy it now and the reserve pricing are a decision that you can choose after you create your listing for the product you choose to sell on ebay.

Take into account that your starting bid should be kept reasonably low in order to attract more potential customers. If the item you are listing for sale is a higher priced item, even though your starting bid should still be kept no higher than $50, you will need to set a reserve price on this type of listing.

As stated previously, a reserve price will be the least amount of money you are willing to agree to for an item and while it will be your choice to accept a lower price, you will not be required to do so. A different way of looking at this is that if you are hoping to get $395 and the highest bid is only $325, you will not be required to make the sale and you can end the auction without receiving any negative feedback.

When deciding on a reserve price, you have to consider what the item is actually worth, in other words what is the value of the item, and also how much you actually paid for the item. When you know about how much you think the product should be sold for, you will need to set your reserve for the absolute lowest price you are willing to accept.

You can also select the buy it now option and that means that you will be attempting to sell your item for a set price and this allows potential buyers to buy without actually bidding. This means they will be able to pay for the item and buy it immediately. You can also use the buy it now along with a traditional listing and in this case, you will want your buy it now to be the same as whatever your reserve price is set at or at least close to same amount.

Another pricing detail is in your shipping options. Nearly all potential customers will look at the shipping price before bidding on an item so you have to take that into consideration as well. Offering free shipping will most likely bring in more bids but if you have a heavy item that is going to cut into your profits in a big way, you will want to have a shipping price set.

Just remember that most people will have an idea of what they are willing to pay for shipping and keep your shipping prices at a minimum. One more thing to take into account is that ebay has a policy that states you cannot overcharge for shipping just so you make more of a profit from it so be cautious to keep your shipping costs as close to genuine price as possible.

When setting your prices, you should check out other similar items that are selling or have already sold and keep your prices competitive if you actually hope to make the sale. Selling on ebay can be simple when you understand how. I hope you have enjoyed reading this article about the importance of setting prices when you decide to sell on ebay.

About the Author:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Selling On Ebay - What Are Some Advantages To Owning An Ebay Store?

By Kimberly Aita

Do you want to know more about selling on ebay? Here is just one example of some things you might want to think about if you are interested in making money from home by knowing how to sell on ebay.

Do you currently sell things on ebay? If you do, you have most likely heard about the ebay stores. You may perhaps even currently have an ebay store of your own. If not, you might be thinking about opening an ebay store just because you understand that ebay stores are becoming increasingly more popular.

Nevertheless, before doing so, you might want to take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of opening your own ebay store front.

If you don't already know what an ebay store is, it is like having your own retail store online. You will pay a small monthly fee to create your own ebay store front. This is where your customers will go when they shop at your store. You will be able to have your own logo, for example, if you decide to do so.

Although there is the monthly fee, you will still need to pay the normal final value and insertion costs. However, your fees will be lower than the normal costs when you do have your own ebay store.

Lower fees is most likely one of the main advantages to having your own store. Bear in mind though that if you are only selling a few items every month, it possibly will not be to your advantage to pay the monthly fees associated with having your own store. Then again, if you are hoping to become a medium to high volume seller, you will save a lot of money by having a store of your own.

An ebay store is easy to use as you can list all of your items for sale right in your store front. You will be creating all of your listings in the same manner as before, with ebay's step by step guide.

While having an ebay store can be convenient and help you save money on your listings, there are still a few disadvantages to having one. Among these is marketing for your items. Traditional listings will show up in the ebay searches but ebay store items may not necessarily show up in the traditional way.

What this means is that it will be up to you to drive traffic to your ebay store or the items you are hoping to sell. If you don't get any traffic to your store, you won't be able to make any sales. You can drive more traffic by using traditional ebay listings and having a link to your store on your sales page. This can take some time but after you have done it one or two times, it will be much faster and easier for you to complete.

Taking into account how you are going to get traffic and make money on ebay is something that you have to think about before you decide to open up an ebay store. Whereas it might be easier and cost less in the long run, if you are not selling enough to make your monthly payment, it is most likely best that you put off opening your own store until you begin to make sales steadily.

These are just a few of the advantages and disadvantages to opening up your own ebay store. You will have to make the final decision as to whether or not you feel it would be best for you to open your own store but be sure to look at all sides before doing so.

Have a look at some of the stores on ebay, do some research and learn more about them. This is one way to know whether or not it will be beneficial for you to open your own store. While having a store is not going to be for everybody, there are quite a number of ebay sellers who will make and save a lot more money simply by owning one and understanding how to get traffic to their store.

To find out more about how to sell on ebay, be sure to visit my site where you will find tons of articles and information about ebay.

Also, be sure to sign up for my newsletter if you are interested in finding out more about how to make money from home.

About the Author:

Selling On Ebay - What Is The Best Way To Begin Selling On Ebay

By Kimberly Aita

Are you thinking about selling on ebay? Perhaps you have heard that you can make money on ebay and now you want to know how you can start to sell on ebay.

Are you thinking that with all of the promises of riches that you need to just jump right in and begin selling on ebay as soon as possible? Well, I would advise you to take a step back before you jump right in and because you should take the time to learn how to sell on ebay the correct way.

Do you realize that ebay now has over 100 million members? If you take the time to understand this, you will see that your customer base can be just as big. Think about 100 million people who are shopping on ebay and they will be just waiting for you to start to sell so that they can buy products from you, but.......... how will they find your auction site? How will they even know that you are there? After all, 100 million people is a lot of people and they just won't ever reach your page if you don't take the time to do things the right way.

The fact is however, that no matter how great your product is or how well you do on ebay, you probably won't be able to reach all 100 million ebay buyers.

Most people selling on ebay actually started out as customers and you might want to think about starting out that way as well. You can think about this as part of your consumer research so that you will appreciate exactly how the method actually works. When you start out as a buyer, you can get more of a feel for how things work from a buyers opinion.

Although you might not think that this is necessary, starting out as a buyer on ebay will ultimately make you a much better seller right from the beginning.

As a buyer, you will want to take into account the type of customer service you receive from the seller. Keep in mind how you want to be treated and pay attention to whether or not you got the service you feel you deserved.

By taking the time to network with other sellers, you will start to comprehend the best way to interact with your customers when you begin to sell on ebay. Pay attention to the hot items that are selling and at this time you may even choose to take notes since they will come in handy at some time in the future.

Keep in mind that selling on ebay is a business and you will want to recognize what it is that people want to buy before you can begin to build a successful business as an ebay seller. Find out what sells by watching other seller's auctions and when you really know what things sell well on ebay, you can start to find resources for where to purchase these items at wholesale prices so that you can sell them on ebay for a profit.

One more point you might want to consider before jumping in as a seller is to attend what is called the ebay university where you can get more information and training on how to become successful as an ebay seller.

Ebay provides a lot of information on their site and while it is by no means going to make you an instant success, by reading and taking advantage of the free training provided on ebay, you will raise your probability of becoming a success and making money selling on ebay.

Taking the time to discover how to sell on ebay the right way will help you to avoid making some of the most common mistakes that many new ebay sellers have made at one time. Take advantage of the resources offered on ebay, particularly since they are obtainable for free, and you can be successful when it comes to selling on ebay.

About the Author:

Selling On Ebay - Should You Use Ebay's Turbo Lister Program

By Kimberly Aita

Are you selling on ebay and if you are, have you heard about ebay's turbo lister program. Odds are you are not familiar with this but you may perhaps want to look into it and take the time to know how it works since using the turbo lister program just may make your experience as a seller on ebay slightly easier.

Keep in mind that the turbo lister program is available for you to download free of charge at ebay's website. The best thing about the program is that it is simple to install and to use. As usual with any ebay program, you will be given a step by step guide for installing and learning how to use the turbo lister program.

You can find out how to use the turbo listing program with very little trouble even if you have a minimum of computer experience.

Therefore, you are probably wondering exactly what the turbo listing program is now that you know how and where you can find it and even more, you may perhaps want to know precisely how it can help you to sell on ebay. When you decide to download the program, you will be able to get access to it when you want to, and this is true even when you are not online.

For the most part ebay recommends the turbo lister program for medium to high volume sellers but it works really well for the p.c. user who is using dial up also. The reason for this is that while you are setting up your auction listings, you might be tying up phone lines when you do not in fact want to and with this program, you do not even need to be online to use it.

What the ebay turbo lister program can do is to set up all of you auction listings including your buy it now listings in the same way you would do it online. An example of this might be that you would assign a category to your item and write a headline as well as your detailed description for the item you want to sell on ebay. You can also upload any photos you might wish to use, as well as letting your customers recognize how you will ship the item and which payment methods you accept.

One of the best thing's you will find with the ebay turbo lister program is that you can set your auctions up just as easily as before but you do not have to be connected to the internet when you are working on your listings.

If you are wondering how you are going to be able to have your items listed on ebay when you are not connected to the internet, the turbo lister program permits you to make as many listings as you want, even if it is in the thousands, and save them for a later time when you do sign in online.

Once you are connected to the internet, you can just follow the instructions for the turbo list builder to have the items you want to list and sell on ebay automatically uploaded to your ebay site. You also still have the ability to choose when your auctions will begin and when you want them to end.

As I said before, you can simply go to ebay to find out more about how to download and use the ebay turbo listing program and don't forget that this system is still at this time free to download and use. In the off chance you make your mind up you don't actually like this program, you can always go back to listing the items you want to sell on ebay in the traditional way on the ebay website.

About the Author:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Selling on Ebay - Will Having An About Me Page Increase Sales

By Kimberly Aita

Are you selling on ebay? When you hope to learn how to sell on ebay so you can begin to make money from home there are several steps you can take to become a successful seller on ebay. Creating an about me page is one of the best steps you can take if you truly want to become successful at selling on ebay.

Maybe you are still fairly new to selling on ebay and you want to know what an about me page is and how it can help you to become a better seller. Firstly, an about me page is a place where you can introduce yourself and let buyers know who you are and what type of items you might want to sell on ebay.

A lot of buyers really do want to see your about me page because they want to know that you are someone they can trust if they decide to buy from you. The best way to build trust with your buyers, is by building an about me page. It doesn't need to be lengthy or difficult but it will let buyers have an idea of who you are and will help build their trust in you.

When you decide to create an about me page, you will find a section on ebay where you will be able to tell people who you are and you may possibly decide to let them understand why you became a seller on ebay. An instance of this may be that you have to stay home with your children or that you are hoping to build a successful business from home.

Letting buyers appreciate what your reasons are will help them to see you more as a person than just a page on a website. They will be more likely to buy if they see you as somebody who is a person just like themselves.

Do you hope to sell a specific item on your ebay site? You can also mention this when you are building your about me page. As I said before, it does not have to be complex but you should try to add any information that you know will build the trust of your customers. Thinking like a consumer when creating your about me page may help you to appreciate more about what people might want to see on your page.

Besides the personal information on your about me page, ebay will also automatically include a summary of the other items you might be selling on ebay. This can be a great benefit to you as it is just like getting free advertising for your products. When a possible customer visits your about me page, they will also see the links to these products and what the current bidding is for the products along with a short description about the items.

Put a different way, you increase your probability of making the sale because when a visitor goes to your about me page, they may possibly just see something listed there that will be of interest to them.

An additional great advantage to your about me page is that your customers will be able to see what your feedback rating is and this can also be a way to build trust since your potential customers will know that you are a reputable seller on ebay.

While an about me page is your choice and you can decide not to create one, you can doubtless see that the advantages of having one are many. Creating your about me page will not take a lot of time but could give you added exposure and better results in your efforts to sell on ebay.

That said, I urge you to take a few minutes to create your about me page whether you are just starting out or you are already selling on ebay.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

eBay Sellers Tips On How To Deal With Difficult Customers

By Kimberly Aita

If you sell anything on ebay there is a chance you may run into a few difficult customers. Although for the most part your customers will be easy to do business with, there are always a few who are just not going to be happy or satisfied no matter how hard you may try to please them.

You may perhaps be inclined to tell them off but this might not be the best way to go if you are going to be depending on your sales from ebay to generate an income from which to live on.

So, when you have to deal with a difficult customer, one of the things they may whine about is the price you are asking for in your auctions. A few customers may possibly even go so far as to ask you to sell your items at a lower price. They may perhaps insist that the same or comparable items are being sold for less on another site.

Your best alternative here is to let the purchaser understand that you are not willing to lower your price and that if they really want an item for less, they ought to look to buy it from a vendor who actually is selling it for less. While there may be times when dealing with a customer that you feel the request is a reasonable one, it should be your decision as to whether or not you want to lower any of your prices. Never let your customer pressure you into making a decision you are not comfortable with.

One more common problem you may run into when selling on ebay is the customer who bids on an item and then simply refuses to make payments. This might be due to the fact that they think that all ebay seller are prepared to accept whatever form of payment they are used to using or simply because they have decided not to go through with the transaction.

Either way, you need to make sure that your preferred method of payment is clearly outlined in your auction listing. While paypal is still the preferred method of payment on ebay, some sellers may not have a paypal account. If this is your case, you might want to reconsider getting a paypal account just because it gives you a more secure process of receiving a payment.

Still, if you choose not to use paypal, make certain that this is very clear in your listings. Ebay has a section where you can let your buyers know precisely what methods of payment you are prepared to accept. You might run into a buyer who wants to make different payment arrangements and once more, it is your choice. I would caution you to make certain any funds have cleared before sending out any product.

Should your buyer simply decide not to follow through with the payment, you should stay calm and remain professional. Simply send them a reminder notice and if after the deadline you have given they still won't pay, contact ebay and let them know what occurred. You should be able to have your fees for the auction refunded so you can relist and ebay also has a process whereby the customer who doesn't pay will receive a negative feedback.

Should your customer get in touch with you because they are not happy with which ever item they bought, you will have to work out some kind of arrangement with them. This can be refunding their money and accepting the merchandise back into your stock or possibly letting them know that the item was sold as is, (this should also be made clear in your listing), and you are not willing to give a refund.

Making sure that you have your return policy clearly outlined in your listing will significantly reduce the number of requests you will receive because a customer will already recognize that you are willing to exchange an item, give a refund, or that you simply do not accept returns.

You should always do your best to make sure that your customers are satisfied with the items they buy from you because a negative feedback will harm your rating on ebay and may perhaps cause other possible customers to be cautious of buying from you. Nonetheless, you don't want to let an unscrupulous buyer try to scam you so use your best judgement.

These are just a small number of of the situations that you may run into as a seller on ebay. What ever may take place, stay professional and always do what you think is the right thing to do in any situation. If you run your business in an sincere way, you are sure to find success.

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Selling On Ebay- Top 10 Steps To Ebay Seller Success

By Todd Schuyler

Do you want to be a successful eBay seller? Do you want to learn how to start a eBay online business. Here's a simple, 10 step path to eBay selling success.

Step 1: Identify your particular product market. Take a while to sit and watch for what sells and what doesn't out of the items you're interested in selling. Any market research data you can collect will be very useful to you later on. You'll probably see those one or two items that always seem to sell for a good price.

Step 2: Watch your competition and see what they do. Before you invest any money, see what the other sellers in your category are up to, and what their eBay marketing strategies are. Pay special attention to any flaws their auctions might have, because this is where you can move in and beat them at their own selling game.

Step 3: Find a product to sell: Get hold of a supplier for whatever it is you want to sell, and see what the best rates you can get are. Don't be afraid to ring round quite a few to get the best deal. If the eBay prices you've seen are higher than the supplier's, then you're set.

Step 4: Start small: Don't throw thousands at your idea straight away. Start slowly, see what works and what doesn't, and learn as you go along. Remember that it's very cheap to try out even the craziest ideas on eBay, and who knows, they might just work out after all.

Step 5: Test and keep repeaing. Keep trying different eBay marketing strategies until you find something that works good, and then don't be ashamed to keep doing it, again and again. The chances are that you've just found a good niche product.

Step 6: Create a eBay business plan: A eBay business plan doesn't need to be anything formal, just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you've spotted, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This is more for you than it is for anyone else.

Step 7: Invest and expand the plan: This is the time to throw money at the problem. Buy product inventory, and start spending more time on your eBay business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.

Step 8: Make you're eBay business official: Once you've made a few thousand dollars worth of sales, you should register yourself as a business. Don't worry, it's not too expensive or difficult to do. A lawyer is the best person to help you through this process.

Step 9: Automate the eBay selling process: You'll probably find that you're writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions. This is the time to give up on the manual method and turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.

Step 10: Never give up: Even when it looks like it's all going wrong, don't stop trying to sell on ebay until you succeed. If you keep working at it then you'll almost always find that you make a real breakthrough just when things are starting to look desperate.

Once you get into the swing of things, you might start thinking that you should quit your job and take up eBay selling full time. There are all sorts of factors that you need to consider. I recommend selling on eBay part time. It is a great way to make extra money. If your eBay business grows to the level that want to go full time. That would be great. It is possible and many people are living the eBay dream working at home.

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