Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Never-Ending eBay Product Supply

By Joel Holmes

Let's say you're just getting started on eBay. You've opened up your account and now you're looking for something to sell. If you've already followed our advice to sell the stuff around your house you may be wondering what to sell next. Sure, your attic and closets may be clean, and you've gotten rid of the clutter, but now what?

The lifeblood of your eBay business is products. If you have no products to sell, you're not in business. So, how would you like an unlimited supply of products when you're getting started?

If so, the answer is simple - become an eBay Trading Assistant. What is this, you ask? Well in a nutshell, a Trading Assistant is someone who helps other people get their items sold on eBay. So if you have an Aunt Gertrude who wants her old porcelain figurines sold on eBay, she can go to you to get them sold. You take the pictures, you write the titles and descriptions, You do everything to "assist" your Aunt Gertrude to sell.

Now since your Aunt Gertrude is so dear to you, you might do this for free. For other people in your community, you'd likely charge them a commission for your time and energy. Or, you could buy their products and resell them yourself.

It's that simple to have an unlimited supply of products to sell. Everyone has something cluttering up their house that they want to sell. And if you can help them make a quick buck, why wouldn't they pay you a small portion of that? According to eBay, most people have over $1000 of items just lying around that they could sell. Not only will you help them get started, but you'll have product (from one person) for many months to come.

Let's say you do want to be a Trading Assistant. Well, there are two ways to do it. The first way is the "official way." You do this by registering that you want to be a Trading Assistant on eBay. This allows you to be listed in the eBay Trading Assistant directory. However, before you can join the directory, you need to meet a few requirements. You first must have a feedback score of 100, and 98% of your feedback must be positive. Also, you need to have sold at least 10 items in the previous 3 months. Your eBay account must also be in good standing. For more information on the program, you can go to

Let's say you don't meet all of these requirements. Maybe your feedback score is only 10, but don't let that stop you. You can still be a trading assistant "unofficially." eBay isn't going to stop you from telling your friends and family that you can sell their stuff for them on eBay. The only difference in being "official" and "unofficial" is that you get to use the eBay Trading Assistant logo and you get listed in the Trading Assistant directory. Other than that, it's up to you to find the people.

Here are some suggestions how you can promote yourself as a Trading Assistant. One key ingredient is to get the word out. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Ask if they have anything to sell on eBay. The more people that know you are the guy (or gal) to go to for help for selling on eBay, then the more successful you'll be. Another idea is to post flyers around town saying that you'll sell their stuff on eBay. Consider putting a classified ad in the paper as well.

So what's the conclusion? There's really no end of products you can sell when you become a Trading Assistant. You'll be the person everyone turns to when they have a question about eBay.

About the Author:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

10 Top Tips for How to Sell on eBay

By Tyson Bradshaw

A lot of people want to become full time super sellers on eBay. These are my 10 steps to becoming a successful eBay seller online.

Step 1:Know your market. Take a little while to sit and examine what sells and what doesn't out of the items you're interested in. Any important information you can collect will be very vital to you later on. You might see the 'hot niches' quite quickly - those one or two items that always seem to sell for a good price.

Step 2: Watch the competition. Before you spend any money, find out what the other sellers in your category are up to, and what their tips are. Pay attention to any flaws their auctions might have, because this is where you can move in and beat them at their own game.

Step 3: Find a product: Get hold of a supplier for whatever it is you want to sell, and see what the best rates you can get are - don't be afraid to go through several to get the best deal. If the eBay prices you've seen are higher than the supplier's, then you're set.

Step 4: Start small: Don't toss thousands at your idea straight away - get started slowly, see what works and what doesn't, and learn as you go along. Remember that it's very inexpensive to try out even the far out ideas on eBay, and who knows, they might just work!

Step 5: Test and repeat. Keep trying different strategies until you find something that works, and then don't be ashamed to keep doing it, again and again. The chances are that you've just found a profitable niche.

Step 6: Work out a business plan: A business plan doesn't need to be anything formal, just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you've found, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This is more for you than it is for anyone else.

Step 7: Invest and build: This is the time to at the problem. Buy inventory, and start spending more time on your business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.

Step 8: Make it official: Once you've made a few thousand dollars worth of sales, you should really register yourself as a business. Don't fret, it's not expensive or hard to do - a lawyer is the best person to help you through the process.

Step 9: Automate: You'll probably find that you're writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions. This is the time to give up on the manual method and turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.

Step 10: Don't give up: Even when it looks like it's all going wrong, don't stop trying until you succeed. If you keep working at it then you'll almost always find that you make a real breakthrough just when things are starting to look desperate.

Once you get into the swing of things, you might start thinking that you should quit your job and take up eBay selling on a full time basis. But it's not always as easy as that - there are all sorts of factors that you need to consider. Selling on eBay is a great way to make money online, but you have to take the necessary steps to become financially secure before diving in full time.

About the Author:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Use Ebay To Make Money From Home

By Daniel Waser

You require to have an eBay user ID if you do not have one already. Using this online auction service opens up opportunities to make money from home in many ways. Although you must ensure that you understand how to carry out any trading before you start. Your eBay user ID is vital to your business enterprise success on eBay. Your ID should depict your business organization undertakings.

Give a full description of each item. You should take that into account when making your offer. Planning in this direction will make you prosperous in eBay marketing. In deciding what product to offer, look into yourself.

The product with reviews as bonuses will attract buyers to your products. If you are a coins' collector, you can offer old coins at a price. You can offer electronic items on eBay at attractive prices. Look around for unique merchandise, study them thoroughly and then offer them on eBay and you will be successful.

Anything that is legal can be sold. Leave alone the big products and concentrate only on the small ones. Decide which you wish to sell. The cost of shipping large things is high and would be a burden on customers that have to bear the burden of shipping costs.

Once you have decided on the items to be offered on eBay, you will then have to ensure that the products are in sellable condition. Glass should be washed, dried and shined to remove water spots. First, clean up all products or sale. When selling silver, polish them so they will look new. You must expose and describe the damage in details in your advertisement.

Studio photographs look more professional though they cost slightly higher. Maybe this is a start up online business and you want to keep costs down. Never try to cut corners by taking the photos yourself and then try getting an amateur to transfer the photos onto a CD.

Customers do not have time to go into unnecessary garbage reading. Then you will have to write a short but accurate description of the product - it will be good to do this at the beginning to save time. If you can, you can write your own designer ads or you can pay eBay extra to do it for you.

Finally - you need to arrange for a reputable courier service to ensure your product is safely delivered and on time but insurance for damages is also needed.

About the Author:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Find Your eBay Niche

By Jesse Holmes

After you've sold on eBay for a little while, you need to ask yourself what products you want to sell. Since you can buy and sell almost anything on eBay, there are thousands of options to choose from.

I was getting started on eBay just a little while ago, and I didn't know what to sell. How did I choose what types of products to sell? Let me explain. I'm a gadget geek. I usually know what's going to come out before it's released. I keep tabs on Apple and know when they are going to update their iPhones. This isn't work for me because I like to do this.

It wasn't hard to go from my gadget hobby to selling gadgets on eBay. I sold my PlayStation 2. I sold a Gameboy and some computer games. It was easy because I knew electronics was my forte. After I ran out of things to sell around the house, I found an electronics wholesaler. They had webcams and computer accessories, and we still sell those to this day.

How does this story help you? Ask yourself... what do you like? Selling what you like will make your research and product buying a whole lot easier. Remember that whatever product category you choose to sell in, you'll be spending a lot of time working and figuring out what to sell. If you sell the types of products that you're already interested in, then the "work" of talking to suppliers and researching will be easier. (An added bonus is that if you sell what you like, you can always have one for yourself.))

Now, if you're just getting started on eBay, you need to realize that nothing is fixed in stone. If you have no idea what you like or what you could sell on eBay, the main thing to do is get started. Choose a category that you think you can develop. You can always change later if you don't know for sure. The main goal is to get moving forward.

Think about an airplane. Often planes take off from runways in the opposite direction of where they want to go. Once the plane is up in the air, then the pilot can make adjustments. The same thing applies for you when starting an online business. Getting your little plane off the ground by selling whatever you can is the first step. Next, once you've mastered the take off and basic skills of flying, you can choose which direction you want to go.

Again, the most important thing to do when you begin to sell on eBay is to build momentum. Don't travel in too many directions at once, because you'll never get anywhere if you do. Sell stuff around your house. Once you've run out of stuff to sell around the house, then you can pick a direction. Don't stress about it. Start by picking products based on your interests.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Get Connected For eBay Success

By Jesse Holmes

So you've decided to start an eBay business. That's great! And as I've said many times before, I believe that eBay is the fastest and easiest way to start selling online. No other website has the $60 billion in sales that occurred in 2008.

However, what many beginners forget is that in order to be successful online, you can't be a lone ranger. Sure you can run a successful eBay business from your home, but if you're in business, you'll have to connect with other businesses. To get the maximum profits, it's likely that you'll have to deal with other big businesses that aren't home based.

The best way to get what you want in life is to help other people get what they want. From the moment you start your business, you need to remember that you are only in business as long as you're helping your customers. What's the quickest way to see if you're helping enough people? Check how much money you have in your bank account. If your bank balance is low, then you're not helping many people. If you want to grow your bank balance, you need to help more people.

So what's the best way to help and connect with people? Get out there. Talk to local store owners. Go to business luncheons in your community. Carry your business cards around with you everywhere. Let everyone know that you sell on eBay, not just friends and family.

The more people you connect with in your community, the more opportunities you'll have to help them (and for them to help you too!). Start to think about who you could help. Are there small businesses that need to sell their excess inventory? Are there businesses that want to start selling online? What about individuals who want to clear out their attic or sell some antiques? When you start connecting with other people, you'll see opportunities all around you.

Bottom line: The more connections you have, the more successful you'll become.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Making More Money On eBay Than Everyone Else

By Jesse Holmes

Where do I get profitable products? That's the big question when selling on eBay, and it might seem like the hardest question to answer. Maybe you've been frustrated when you have found products from a 'drop shipper' and found that the items sell on eBay for less than the 'wholesale price' that you could buy them for.

It's not the best business model to sell stuff for less than you pay for it, unless you absolutely positively know that you are going to be able to get more business from that customer to offset your losses. But that's pretty advanced stuff if you're just getting started selling on eBay, and in no way should you tell everyone that I gave you a reason to sell items for less than you pay for them.

Also, I don't want you to get stuck in the 'dropshipping' trap. I've wasted hours and hours literally going through every single product in a dropshipping company's catalog only to find out that none of them are profitable to sell on eBay.

To make serious money on eBay you need to analyze what the big guys are doing and see how they are profitably moving inventory. eBay is different then a lot of places due to the nature of the site. People are going there to find a great deal, but there's much more to it than that.

If you hopped on to eBay right now looking for a specific item, you would obviously research and try and find out where to get the best price. However, it gets to a point where you don't want to necessarily pay the lowest price because as the saying goes 'you get what you pay for'.

Some people think that if they are the cheapest price on eBay, that will guarantee them maximum sales. While that might be true in the short-term, chances are that their profit margins will be so small that they won't be in business for long. Remember that you're in business to provide an experience for your customer. This includes a great product at a good price. Also, it means that you make a reasonable profit.

So how do you avoid going out of business in a price-competitive marketplace? How do you compete?

There are a few different ways. One of them is to make sure that your listing stands out from the crowd on more things than just price. Draw your customer's eyes away from the price tag by taking amazing pictures. Make sure that you have the most relevant keywords in your listing title to maximize your listing traffic. However you can, get people to click on your listing. Once you do that, you'll have a better chance of selling to that customer.

Once your customer makes the jump to your listing, they're going to decide whether they can trust you. Your feedback rating factors in here, but in addition to that is also the professionalism of your listing. You need to show that you're a quality seller that will provide the best customer experience.

How do you show that you are a professional seller? Make sure your listing looks good (with a professional template), have clearly defined policies, clear pictures, and a good description that you've taken the time to create. Don't just copy and paste it from somewhere else.

Think of the times you've gone looking for an item and wondering if the seller was legitimate and if you could trust them with your money. You don't want other buyers doing the same thing once they land on your listing or eBay store. Some people are just skeptics and you can't change their mind, but many people are savvy buyers who want to do business with someone they can trust.

The first-impression carries the most weight. If you can set yourself apart from the crowd from the first time that people see you, then you'll have a competitive edge to selling on eBay.

About the Author:

Why Would You Want To Sell On eBay?

By Jesse Holmes

Let's say you could have an entire business in a box. What if someone gave you every tool you needed, all the software, the website, the merchant account, and most importantly, millions of customers ready to buy what you sell. Would you be interested? How much would you pay for that "instant" business. Hundreds or maybe even thousands of dollars?

The fact is that everything I just said that seem so unrealistic is a reality right now on one website. That website is eBay. eBay is the fastest and easiest way to have a web presence today. You can start making money online before the week is up. You can have a complete business structure and start selling products online in under 30 minutes.

Still not convinced? Let me show you how big eBay really is. In 2008 alone, over $60 billion dollars was sold on eBay. $2000 sells every second. Plus there are over 90 million active members. That's why eBay is called the world's largest marketplace. Do you think that maybe there are some customers that would want what you sell?

But how can you be a successful seller on eBay? Of the thousands of people that have taken advantage of eBay... only a few have great success. You can hear the stories of internet or eBay millionaires, but it's only a small percentage of the millions who have tried.

Why is that? The main reason is because the average person goes on eBay and instantly thinks that eBay will make them right overnight. Sorry to tell you, but that's not how business works. Building a business is a process that requires learning certain skills. You need to know how to provide a great product or service for your customer. The sellers who are making it big online are those who are focused on the customer first.

Even though many people give up, don't let that discourage you. Some of the most successful people on eBay right now have started where you are. Most successful people aren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Instead, they've learned the skills to be successful. You can too. Everyone starts as a beginner and trains to be a success.

One of the great advantages to selling on eBay is that there is so little risk to get started. You don't have to hire a dozen employees and rent a warehouse. You don't have to raise thousands of dollars in capital.

Other than a computer, an internet connection and a digital camera, there isn't much needed to get started selling on eBay. Of course with time you will need to develop a line of inventory to sell, but if you learn the right way, you can easily cover your inventory costs and keep cash flow moving through your eBay business.

Business truly is changing today. The barriers to enter a market are quickly diminishing, and you can start being your own boss quicker than ever before. You're going to see a huge influx in people wanting to make money online soon, and you don't want to get left behind.

With everything literally at your fingertips, there's no excuse. Why don't you start your own eBay business today? Get away from the skeptics (who never make any money online anyways) and start learning from those who are already successful.

About the Author:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fast Track Your eBay Business

By Jesse Holmes

When we were first learning how to sell on eBay, there's one thing more than any other that contributed to our success.

It was in our first year of "business" - meaning that we spent tons of time and money trying to learn how to start our eBay business, but still never had one.

(Isn't it funny how determined you can be to get started at something, and how you can learn everything about a subject... but it doesn't matter until you actually get started with it?)

We were learning from some top experts everything we could ever want about starting an eBay business, but we never took action to get started. We kept procrastinating and learning more and more without actually doing what was taught.

That's such a big barrier today with many people looking to get started making money online. Learning about the topic and hearing other people's success stories gives you the feeling that you're actually moving forward and making progress towards your ultimate goal, even though you haven't put in the work necessary to achieve that goal.

So here's the turning point where we went from absolutely nothing to a profitable $3,000 a month eBay business in less than 60 days.

What was it? A simple contest. Our teachers said that whoever was the first person who could sell $1,000 in one month would win a cash prize.

Please don't think that entering a contest automatically guarantees your success. It's much more than that. Even for us, it wasn't just about winning the prize or what we would do with the prize money. At the fundamental level, it was a goal with a tangible outcome. It was a goal we really believed in and we were determined to hit.

So we pushed for the contest. We pulled all the strings we could to start selling. We did more things that month than the previous six months combined. Long story short, we didn't even win the contest, but it set us up for something bigger than we could imagine.

We accomplished so much more than we thought possible. We were only a few dollars away from $1,000 in that first month. The next month, we sold $3,000 worth of products. In addition to that, we were turning a profit. To build a money-making system that went from $0 to $3,000 a month only took us 60 days.

So what does this mean for someone just getting started and learning how to sell?

If you've been struggling getting an eBay business going and have been researching and learning, the first thing you need to do is commit. It's amazing what you can achieve when you believe with absolute certainty that starting an eBay business will change your life and provide you with a passive income in spite of the present economy.

It's not going to happen in an instant. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. You need to find the proper step by step training by someone who has been there and laid the groundwork for you, and you need to follow them to the letter.

Success leaves footprints. If you do the same steps as someone who is already making money on online you will get the same results.

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